About Us
Why did I start JD's Mug Shoppe?
My name is John Herd and in 2015 I started an Instagram account (www.instagram.com/john_herd). One day I decided to create line drawings based on some of my photos (and followers*), and posted them on my Instagram page. After receiving good feedback I thought to myself "why not sell items featuring these designs?". So I did, choosing to start with coffee mugs. I think at some point everyone wants to be their own boss, or leave some sort of legacy, and www.mug-shoppe.com seemed like the perfect opportunity to branch out on my own. It's been a struggle and continual learning experience, but that's what makes it incredibly rewarding.
www.mug-shoppe.com is currently based out of London, Ontario, Canada.
*All of the designs I sell are based on my photographs, not from any Instagram friends/followers.